oboe and english horn reed cases – heckel style

16 01 2007

reed casesI own dozens of reed cases – all filled with either old, current or future reeds. Reed cases come in a variety of sizes and styles. Some hold only three reeds, while others are huge, designed to hold scores of reeds. Reeds are generally held in place in these cases by one of two methods – squeezed between two pads, or slipped on a mandrel (either a springy wire clip or a solid brass peg). Years ago, famed bassoon maker Heckel made oboe and English horn reed cases. These used the springy clips, and held the reed firmly in place, and also offered the reed up to the player by depressing the little tab on the mandrel’s base. I have several of these older cases, left to me by Engelbert Brenner. The above picture shows 3 of his Heckel reed cases, and a more modern rendition (wooden) which uses a solid brass peg instead of the springy clip. The reeds are Brenner’s also – decades old, but somehow they belong there still.