freelance classical musician scenario – the mystery studio gig

10 11 2008

koss-qz99-headphonesSometimes I get calls to play in a recording studio.  Sometimes it’s a symphony orchestra, music_stand1concert band, commercial jingles, and sometimes its a surprise awaiting me as I walk into the studio.  On one occasion, the large studio was completely empty except for a chair, music stand, headphones & a microphone.  I placed the headphones on my head & listened to the pre-recorded tracks.  A second pass was to try and fit my part to the existing tracks.  The third pass was the actual take, but sometimes the 1st run-through was secretly recorded too, allowing for additional material at hand in the editing process. I played both oboe & English horn on this session – overdubbed, of course.

The music was contemporary religious music. 
That being stated, here are some cuts from that day’s recording session.

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

freelance classical musician scenario – the church gig

10 11 2008

As a freelance classical musician, I get calls to play in a huge variety of musical venues.  Living in Virginia (yes, this IS the south, technically), the demand for liturgical music is big.  Here is a sound clip from a live performance of John Rutter’s Requiem in which I played the oboe obligato to a mixed choir.

sound bytes

9 11 2008

OK.  I’m an oboist, but there are no sound bytes on this blog.  I found some clips from old recording sessions that I have tossed together into a single mp3 file.  The clips are both orchestra & wind ensemble excerpts.  If this works (technically), I’ll post more audio in the future.  Enjoy.