caution:new york philharmonic grandchildren at play

6 04 2009
Ronald Roseman

Ronald Roseman

I played an out-of-town gig this past weekend in Williamsburg, Virginia.  The other oboist that was hired to play was from the Norfolk area – Kevin Piccini.  Kevin is a great oboist, and a very nice guy.  I didn’t have to hear more than a few notes of his warmup to know that we are from the same ‘school’ of oboe playing & philosophy.   He has a big, rich sound, and controls it masterfully.  We discovered that we are both ‘grandchildren’ of the New York Philharmonic’s legendary oboe section under

Engelbert Brenner

Engelbert Brenner

Bernstein.  I was a pupil of Engelbert Brenner, and he of Ronald Roseman.  Kevin speaks of his teacher with the same reverence I use to describe my mentor.  When not playing together, we were trading stories & comparing notes.  A 3 hour rehearsal flew by at rocket speed.  The performance was great, and the ‘oboe-ing’ was good & really fun!

Now the kicker – Kevin turns to me right before the lone rehearsal starts and says, “You’re Oboerista, aren’t you.”  I’m humbled and honored that a great oboist discovered and reads this blog.



5 responses

7 04 2009
Kate MacLeod

I think there should be a genealogy tree for oboists, even all musicians. Its very interesting to trace how things change as the ideas go through different people. But you can definitely tell who is a student (or grand-student) of what teacher and school of thought.

12 04 2009

Well then I am your NYP grandchild-cousin…My Flute Teacher was John Wummer who was also there thru the Bernstein years, and who additionally played under Toscanini in the NBC Symphony…..

12 04 2009
David Mankin


I remember your teacher, and watch him on the DVD’s of the Bernstein Young People’s Concerts. Also, a famous duet recording between our teachers – the William Tell Overture!

How’s life up in N.E.? Did it finally stop snowing?


14 04 2009

Snow….o did we have aLOT of it this year….The last of it left my yard about a week ago. Today it is 56….BOOTIFUL!

THings are good here…I may learn to scrape reeds after all. Pretty scary, eh? J

13 03 2010
Kevin Piccini

Kevi Piccini was a good friend of mine while he was a struggling musician in Boston a long while ago. His great talent was obvious then, and his passion for the Oboe was infectious. I’d love to connect with him sometyime. Do you have a contact / email for him? Let me know by email.


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