pump prices pummel purses – promises, promises, promises

21 05 2007

gas pumpI had some unexpected errands to run today, and I noticed the family car was getting low on gas. I bypassed two gas stations close to DC (Old Town Alexandria, VA) and saved nearly 20 cents per gallon by making my gas purchase closer to home. Still, I paid over $41 to fill a Mitsubishi Galant. This is a new high for me, and it made me think back of campaign promises made by scores of Democratic hopefuls this past November. Google helped me find some of the quotes – all blaming “the administration” for the outrageous gas prices, and the promise of a new plan – a new direction.

“Democrats have a plan to lower gas prices…join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now.”
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Release, 4/19/06; CNN, 4/25/06

“Democrats believe that we can do more for the American people who are struggling to deal with high gas prices…We have offered legislation that would actually do something about the rise in gasoline prices…”
Democrat Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Release, 10/4/05

“House Democrats have a plan to help curb rising gas prices.”
Democrat Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Online Town Meeting, 7/26/06

“With gasoline and other prices rising, ‘America’s middle-class families deserve better’ … ‘Nobody thinks $2.50 a gallon is cheap; it’s still expensive.’”
Democrat Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), CBS News, 6/2/06; New York Times, 9/30/06

Nice job, guys! Hot air is still cheap, apparently.



7 responses

22 05 2007

Please don’t tell me you think the Dems are behind the rising gas prices. Look who runs the big oil companies–look who started the war in Iraq because our oil is under their sand. And look who tells us CO2 Is Your Friend–it aint’ the Dems.

It’s the friendly Republicans behind Exxon Mobil.
But of course all politicians lie–because that’s what we want to hear. If we learned how to ask decent questions of our politicians, if we learned how to care for more than the next five minutes, and if we took oil of the table (by making ourselves less oil dependent) we’d finally get some action on health care, a huge issue that no one gets to focus on, because we keep getting distracted by fear tactics.

22 05 2007

Not in any camp at all… I was trying to draw focus on the art of lying by {seemingly} all politicians. ‘Vote for me & I’ll fix everything – I know how!’ I seem to recall the new Democratic-led congress taking a day off in their 1st week of their session to watch a freaking college football game. Nice priorities, huh?

It seems that if you are a TV meteorologist or a politician, you can be dead wrong most of the time & still be considered a success. Try that as a classical musician. If you don’t bat 1.000, your career is over.

There ARE “2 Americas”, but the line is not where John Edwards draws it.

25 05 2007
Cooper Wright

Count your blessings sir. Gas costs about $6 a gallon here in Korea. It costs me about $80 to fill up a tank on a little car, probably the size of a civic.

26 05 2007

Yes, Cooper. You’re right – it’s easy to dwell on our local issues & forget how good things are in reality, compared to others elsewhere. Europeans also pay gas prices like your’s.

I know just a little about you. You are an oboist? You attended NEC at some point? Just curious.

My best,


21 05 2011

I bow down humbly in the psrecene of such greatness.

12 06 2008

Is this image of the gas pump nozzle your copyright? If so, may I use it in the creation of a logo for my YouTube channel icon and web sire logo?

If this image is not your copyright, can you tell me where you obtained it from? Was it royalty free?


25 03 2011
Mitsubishi Gasoline Pumps | Mitsubishi Photos Blog

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